January 19, 2006
The Worst Places to Live
Hillcrest – Today the Fifth Avenue Gazette presents the results

Ten Worst Places to Live (in reverse order):
10. Mars – Named for the Roman god of war, the fourth planet from the sun

9. Bangladesh – Since winning its independence from Pakistan in 1971,

8. Manhattan, Kansas – Holy fuck. The editors were stunned to
learn that Manhattan, Kansas, did not finish first on this list. I have not the words to describe Manhattan, Kansas. To get some idea of what it is like to live there, just imagine yourself seated for eternity in a vinyl-covered recliner. On your lap is a TV tray with a self-replenishing plate of egg salad sandwiches on white bread and an endless glass of sugary Lipton iced tea. Your television choices consist of reruns of The Lawrence Welk Show and Hee Haw. Now imagine that for six months the sweat pours from your head leaving tracks down your face that are stained brown by a constant howling wind that somehow manages to just make things hotter. Then imagine yourself for the next six months shaking in a cold that knows no depth. Finally, imagine that every few hours a neighbor with black fingernails and a Mack Truck cap pops by, spits tobacco juice on your rug and asks, “Hey, you wanna run down to the Piggly Wiggly and pick up a carton of Winstons?”

7. Pelican Bay State Correctional Facility – In 1989 the California

6. Antarctica – At 14 million square kilometers, the world’s fifth

5. Manhattan (the other one) – Purchased from the Native Americans
for some beads, two shiny buttons, a bottle of rum and two handfuls of smallpox spores, the worst thing about the Island of Manhattan is that it is full of New Yorkers. Some ten million people per day clamber aboard this nasty, fetid, swarming barge to produce, quite literally, nothing but waste. When it’s not frozen, Manhattan is world renowned for its ubiquitous aroma of urine. The very best thing about Manhattan is that I shan't ever go there again.

4. Burundi – Largely unknown to the Western world and virtually ignored by

3. Canada –Insightful readers will wonder why the nation of Canada, with free

2. Alabama – (I don’t really need to explain this one, do I? All right, fine.)
The State of Alabama, home to such attractions as the Johnson Ranch Automatic Rifle Range and The Place Where Those Negro Kids Got Blowed Up, is the only state in the union with four a's in its name. It also proudly bosts three k's. The Fifth Avenue Gazette study revealed that not everyone in Alabama is his or her cousin's son or daughter (that's a covoluted incest reference if I've ever heard one) and that not everyone in Alabama is a redneck, genetic mutant, hate-filled, spouse-beating piece of backward white trash. Those are just the people in charge.
* * *
1. My girlfriend’s house – While Marie has been in New York City shopping for the past three days, I have spent time at her house trying to learn to play her piano. I haven’t gotten any better at the piano, but I do finally understand why it is that she likes to stay at my place pretty regularly. I can confidently declare that Marie's house is the shittiest place to live in the universe, ever.
Marie lives between two of Hillcrest's leading businesses - the Hash House
a Go Go (http://www.hashhouseagogo.com/) and the Loft (yeah, like they've got a website). I'm pretty familiar with the Loft, to say the least, not so much with the Hash House. So let's take these two establishments in reverse order, shall we?
In the litany of great neighborhood pubs at which to get oneself good and drunk in this town, there is none finer than the Loft. Good drinks generously poured by attentive bartenders, along with one of the more colorful regular patronages on the West Coast are just the beginning of it. What makes the Loft really special is the fact that on any given night you can expect to meet up with a good two dozen or so opinionated snots like me who enjoy drinking to excess and arguing loudly on the sidewalk over such important things as whether the fact that he was never elected either to the presidency or the vice presidency makes Gerald Ford a significant anomaly in presidential history or whether that fact is just a curious bit of trivia that people like to trot out anytime that Ford, 92, gets a little under the weather. (For the record, it's the latter). We Lofters can get loud. I have no idea why the neighbors haven't planted a bomb at the Loft yet.
But the Loft doesn't hold a candle to the Hash House. Marie's bed is separated from the Hash House patio by a thin plate of shaky glass and six feet of air. The Hash House loading area and storage facilities are just another ten feet further away. To sleep earlier than 11:00 p.m. or later than 6:00 a.m. in Marie's bed requires at least three glasses of wine, two Excedrin PM's, a white noise machine, ear plugs and a smart blow to the back of the head. (For the record - the Hash House a Go Go is one of the best reviewed and busiest restaurants in Uptown San Diego, and deservedly so. I am not picking a fight with the Hash House. I hope they know this because someday I might steal one of their images from the internet and publish it on this page).
In front of Marie's home there are about 200 square feet of grass. I believe it is the only grass anywhere on Fifth Avenue. Someone write to me if I'm wrong. Two words - dog shit. You would not believe the mountains of shit that pile up on her lawn. It's a veritable poop garden. This fact, however, does not deter the literal scores of people who line up for as long as an hour in the mornings waiting to get into the Hash House. Neither does it deter the late night Loft-goers from frequenting her lawn for less passive reasons.
The single worst part of Marie's house, however, has nothing to do with either of her nextdoor neighbors. Her upstairs neighbors have a cat. Judging by the sound of it, I would guess
it tips the scales at about 140 pounds. Marie's bed is eight feet beneath her upstairs neighbors' kitchen floor. Given that her building is of Victorian vintage and the kitchen floor in question consists of two milimeters of linoleum sitting atop old creaky wood, the acoustic properties of Marie's bedroom are roughly equivalent to the inside of a snare drum.
Now whereas humans are diurnal critters who like to sleep at night, cats tend to get rather active at around one in the morning. I swear, it sounds like a panther toppling over a school bus. Try this experiment. Put on a football helmet. Go to sleep. Have a friend of yours stand by and the moment you nod off have him empty a sack of ball bearings on your head. That's not quite as bad as sleeping in Marie's bed.

* * *
1. My girlfriend’s house – While Marie has been in New York City shopping for the past three days, I have spent time at her house trying to learn to play her piano. I haven’t gotten any better at the piano, but I do finally understand why it is that she likes to stay at my place pretty regularly. I can confidently declare that Marie's house is the shittiest place to live in the universe, ever.
Marie lives between two of Hillcrest's leading businesses - the Hash House

In the litany of great neighborhood pubs at which to get oneself good and drunk in this town, there is none finer than the Loft. Good drinks generously poured by attentive bartenders, along with one of the more colorful regular patronages on the West Coast are just the beginning of it. What makes the Loft really special is the fact that on any given night you can expect to meet up with a good two dozen or so opinionated snots like me who enjoy drinking to excess and arguing loudly on the sidewalk over such important things as whether the fact that he was never elected either to the presidency or the vice presidency makes Gerald Ford a significant anomaly in presidential history or whether that fact is just a curious bit of trivia that people like to trot out anytime that Ford, 92, gets a little under the weather. (For the record, it's the latter). We Lofters can get loud. I have no idea why the neighbors haven't planted a bomb at the Loft yet.
But the Loft doesn't hold a candle to the Hash House. Marie's bed is separated from the Hash House patio by a thin plate of shaky glass and six feet of air. The Hash House loading area and storage facilities are just another ten feet further away. To sleep earlier than 11:00 p.m. or later than 6:00 a.m. in Marie's bed requires at least three glasses of wine, two Excedrin PM's, a white noise machine, ear plugs and a smart blow to the back of the head. (For the record - the Hash House a Go Go is one of the best reviewed and busiest restaurants in Uptown San Diego, and deservedly so. I am not picking a fight with the Hash House. I hope they know this because someday I might steal one of their images from the internet and publish it on this page).
In front of Marie's home there are about 200 square feet of grass. I believe it is the only grass anywhere on Fifth Avenue. Someone write to me if I'm wrong. Two words - dog shit. You would not believe the mountains of shit that pile up on her lawn. It's a veritable poop garden. This fact, however, does not deter the literal scores of people who line up for as long as an hour in the mornings waiting to get into the Hash House. Neither does it deter the late night Loft-goers from frequenting her lawn for less passive reasons.
The single worst part of Marie's house, however, has nothing to do with either of her nextdoor neighbors. Her upstairs neighbors have a cat. Judging by the sound of it, I would guess

Now whereas humans are diurnal critters who like to sleep at night, cats tend to get rather active at around one in the morning. I swear, it sounds like a panther toppling over a school bus. Try this experiment. Put on a football helmet. Go to sleep. Have a friend of yours stand by and the moment you nod off have him empty a sack of ball bearings on your head. That's not quite as bad as sleeping in Marie's bed.
So there you have it. New Orleans might be a sopping wet, mold infested, nasty, dirty, shitty place to go back to, but it could be worse, it could be Marie's house.
And you know the beautiful song, "Manhattan Kansas Ain't No Place Tuh Have Ah Baby..."?
Your review is right-on! Love, Starla from VegasBaby!
So, do you spend ALL day being an arrogant costal douche, or is just when you're awake?
Thanks Starla. Love ya back.
Daddy, that identifies Manhattan, Kansas, as a good place to retire young. I'll translate that for you, "it's cheap." Know what else is cheap? Anything completely undesirable.
And for the record, I'm just now learning to be a coastal douche. I'm from Natchitoches, Louisiana where it is considered a waste of whiskey to get a sheep drunk.
To list Manhattan, NY on your list of worst places reeks of hicksville. True, there are strange smells, large crowds, cramped quarters, and astronomical prices, but there is something here that no where else on Earth has - culture on every block. No where else on Earth has thousands of cafes that spring up anew every month, or more beautiful women walking down the street, or better one-of-a-kind events and concerts. TO not appreciate that aspect of this city betrays a gross underappreciation of culture, point in fact. There is a trade-off for certain, and I am keenly aware of it, but after living all over the world I must say that NYC should be on a "best places to live" rather than a worst. Or maybe both.
I am a current student at Kansas State University, and while I have generally enjoyed my college experience, I can sympathize with some of your comments about Manhattan. (I think the city realized some of the problems because they recently demolished an entire block to build new stores and restaurants.)
That said, there are a lot of similar sized cities and towns that are a lot less desirable than Manhattan. Sure, its not San Francisco... but its Kansas. What do you expect?
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t Next, use a caliper to provide a measurement check for the tape measure. Again, place the caliper one inch above the eyebrow and at an equal level on the back of the head. The measurement may differ a size or two sometimes but if the dimension is off by more than two sizes you may need to measure again.. Consult your manual for location of drain screws. Oil chemistry changes over periods of extended storage. Get on the bike, hold the front brake and bounce the bike up and down to work the front suspension. Most likely, you will need to loosen the grip using the water in your spray bottle. Peel back the grip as far as you can and spray water underneath it. Twist the grip to loosen the adhesive while continuing to peel it back and spray water as far underneath as possible. [url=http://www.cyclingcloth.com/]Cycling Clothing[/url] Skating requires proper safety equipment to guard against potential injury from falls and accidental collisions. And no piece of equipment is more important than a helmet, which can be the only thing between the skater's head and the unforgiving pavement. All skating helmets consist of soft padding encased in a hard outer shell.Firm support is a better choice for women that are a C-cup or larger. A firm support bra has molded cups that keep the breasts in place. When trying on a running bra, do a couple of jumping jacks to test the support. Requesting more sustainable products in the market place tells manufactures that consumers care about the way products are made. Many people become good environmental stewards through recycling efforts, and have joined the campaign by participating at home and at work. But, to complete the full circle, you have to start purchasing products that are made of the materials we recycle.. Before you start, sketch what you want. Then look for pieces you have which can be used for the item you want. Then go to a craft or fabric store to buy embellishments if you need them. Gather up the tools necessary for winterizing your bike. You will need, cleaning cloths, spark plug wrench, a trickle battery charger, four or five quarts of high quality oil, new oil filter, oil can or device to get oil in the cylinders, chain lube (if you have a chain drive), fuel stabilizer, spray can of WD40, a breathable motorcycle cover, kitchen plastic wrap, rubber bands, vinyl or plastic gloves, items to clean and wax your bike. Lastly a nice location for the bike to spend the winter, a heated secure garage would be ideal. [url=http://www.cyclingcloth.com/]Cycling Clothing[/url] Stand on the middle of the rope and pull the handles up. Your rope's handles should reach your underarms. Also consider material; though this doesn't affect fat loss, pick a material that accommodates environment. Clean the Bowflex equipment with a non-abrasive cleaner after every use. Any gentle cleaner or soap works well. Do not use automotive interior cleaner. 3. The rainforests are being destroyed for a multitude of reasons, the main two being lumber and agriculture. Vast tracts of woods are sold off for pennies on the dollar to supply the international demand for exotic hard woods. When you buy recycled content and other environmentally friendly products, you help reduce waste by creating a market for our recycled materials. You also help create jobs in businesses that handle and use recycle materials. Purchasing green products is like casting a vote.
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